Cut out screenshot of a website showing an about-me part.

PPortfolio Website


After my bachelor's degree, this website project was initated to present projects I worked on. During my time as a research assistant and during my master studies, the project was no longer maintained.

Early versions suffered from my little experience in deployment and were therefore difficult to maintain. The main issue here was that no content management system was used and the addition of content was cumbersome. The project went through the following Iterations:

  • Plain HTML + CSS. The focus was on showing actual code of projects and showcasing playable demos for game prototypes. Deployment via FTP client.
  • PHP variant. The project from above was ported to PHP, just because I was working with PHP at that time.
  • Vue.js variant. The website was rebuild using Vue.js as a modern frontend framework. Hosted on DigitalOcean. Main problem was again the missing content management capability.
  • Next.js with Sanity. Focus is on showcasing different projects with images and easily maintaining its content, which now includes scientific publications, and possibly personal, non-development projects in the future.
Website in dark skin, with projects being listed as text.
Website showing code of a python program.
Website with a playable HTML5 game.
Website screenshot showing projects as cards.
Website showing text, images, and a button to play the game.